Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Whole New World

Okay, so I have been meaning to start this blog for months now and have been so busy that it ended up on the back burner. Let me introduce my intentions with this blog. Simply put, I have the best job in the world and I want to share it with everyone else!!

I have been teaching school for 13 years. I was at the middle school age until three years ago when I transferred to 5th grade. The next year I was asked to teach a 4th/5th split and this year I moved to 2nd grade. I was really worried about moving to such a low grade level this year. I have always been so comfortable with older students. I love getting into meaningful and deep conversations with them and seeing them really desire to learn. When I thought of second grade all I could think of was tying shoes, wiping noses, holding hands (yes...I'm kind of a germ freak), and just coloring all day. I think I was more scared and nervous than my students on the first day of school. I didn't know what to expect. In fact, when my first two students walked through the door, I ran next door to my friend's classroom and asked her if they were all really that small!!! Unfortunately, she relplied in the affirmative. I just knew it was going to be a horrible school year. I didn't know how to relate to these teeny tiny kids. I mean they looked like they could break!!!

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I love to joke with my students and use a lot of humor in my classroom. Well, the school bell rang the students took their seats and 22 little faces looked at me with the question on them of "Well, you're the teacher-what do we do next?" I introduced myself to the class like I always did with a few funny anecdotes, but no laughs came, like with my previous classes, just blank looks wondering what I was talking about.

It was going to be a loooooong year!!!!

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