Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Ultimate Sin

The one thing I hate more than anything is when my students "toot" in class. I don't like even talking about it, let alone saying the word. Today we were in the middle of our Math lesson when *Johnny let a very loud "toot" escape. My class looked at me knowing I would be mad, when *Johnny looked up and said "That one came straight from my dad!" Okay, I have to admit that I laughed.

*All names have been changed to protect the guilty!

This week's show and tell

1. A small notebook that *Suzy said she got as a present when she was a baby and she's been writing important things in it her whole life. She showed us the pages-all scribbles.
2. A pair of sunglasses.
3. A piece of rope - no story to go with...just a piece of rope.
4. A tackle box full of rocks (rough estimate-200). I stopped *Mary from showing all of them after about 15 rocks.
5. A turkey feather - which was said to have come from their Thanksgiving turkey....hmmmm?
6. A calendar.
7. More rocks.
8. A canker on the inside of *Sarah's cheek. She walked around and let each student look inside her mouth for it.
9. A paper airplane.
10. More rocks.
11. A Medal from the Army. (This was a good one.)

Educational items: 1 Non-education items: 209

*Name have been changed to protect the guilty!!